Dog Sitter in Rotterdam or Amsterdam ?

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honden page profiel Leo ShumLeo Shum

Hi !


Could anyone recommend a dog sitter or dog boarding for a few days in Rotterdam and Amsterdam ? I have a German Shepherd and a Labrador that need look after near the New Year period.

We will be visiting Holland for a few days after taking my dogs to the Alps. Hope to find some nice person who could look after them while we visit the cities !


Thanks !



honden foto van Wichita en haar roedel - Eevee, Glacee, Grant, Bloom & Mizuki

A good site you could try is Here you can post an add saying what you need of look through the adds of others to see if anything matches. Good luck!

honden page profiel Wilma en Dobby (RIP)Wilma en Dobby (RIP)

honden foto van Wilma en Dobby (RIP)

When I was cycling around a recreational area one day, I passed this facility. It's just north of Rotterdam in a village called Bergschenhoek, but it will require a car to bring the dogs there. Or a bus trip, which isn't always very appealing when abroad.

When I passed it, I saw an outside area as well as an inside area with couches for dogs to sleep in. It's situated literally on the edge of a decent sized recreational forest/park. If you'd want them to, they could take your dogs out for a good walk there.


They do require neutered males (or ones that have a temporary implant to render them calmer and infertile) or bitches that are not in heat. As well as all the normal vaccination shots.

honden page profiel Leo ShumLeo Shum

Thanks everyone !


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