Looking for a puppy

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honden page profiel Paulo RottmannPaulo Rottmann

HI all, sorry i am writing in English as i am an expat in Amsterdam! I am looking for a puppy but so far has been very difficult, or the puppies are too expensive and far from my budget or a lot of strange people offering puppies but located outside the city where they made impossible to visit their home and see puppies and parents! 

Maybe somebody can help me? I am looking for a puppy, boston terrier, french bulldog, pug, or any similar breed, small to medium-small size. I live an apartment with a big garden, a cat and my partner. The puppy will have a lot of interaction with us, because even when we work full time, we have different days off, it means 4 days a week somebody is always at home and also we are at home everyday at 5 30 pm. I am not looking for a competition dog, or perfect one, but just a puppy with good personality and healthy.

Thank you all!





honden page profiel DaydreamerDaydreamer

honden foto van Daydreamer

I can't look what kind of budget you have....
But if you want a healthy puppy and secure that the parents and the pup being good care of you have to think of a 800 to 1000 euro at a qualified breeder.
And maybe some more.
Be careful that you don't take a puppy from a puppy mills.

Some other people here in honden page can maybe give you some websites where you can look for.

Good luck!
( sorry for the bad English )

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Hello and welcome to hp,  


I understand that your budget isnt really big. But if you want a healthy puppy I recomment you search for a certifiet dogbreeder that gives a family tree with it. 

Those puppies are indeed a lot more expensive then a puppy without but the family tree gives you a guarentee that the puppies parents have been tested for disseases.  

But offcourse you can also go to a dog shelter to look if there is a puppy in there that you can give a nice New home. 

If you got anymore questions feel free to ask :) 

honden page profiel Paulo RottmannPaulo Rottmann

Thanks Jaimie for your answer, prices you mention are fine, but so far i heard about 2000 euros for a breed puppy. I am trying my best the pupy mills, as they contacted me where i cannot see parents of the puppy or they are " always "  travelling outside Amsterdam. I have already mentioned in this site about my search, but so far no luck...


Thanks once again

honden page profiel Paulo RottmannPaulo Rottmann

" Hello and welcome to hp,  
I understand that your budget isnt really big. But if you want a healthy puppy I recomment you search for a certifiet dogbreeder that gives a family tree with it. 
Those puppies are indeed a lot more expensive then a puppy without but the family tree gives you a guarentee that the puppies parents have been tested for disseases.  
But offcourse you can also go to a dog shelter to look if there is a puppy in there that you can give a nice New home. 
If you got anymore questions feel free to ask :-)  "

 Thanks Gwen, i dont have a big budget, not looking also to make a good deal, just a loving puppy, I am also looking for the shelter alternative

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Perhaps this link Will help you.  Its a website where you can look in different shelters to see what kind of dogs they have.  And there are more websites like that one as well. 

honden page profiel DaydreamerDaydreamer

honden foto van Daydreamer

" Thanks Jaimie for your answer, prices you mention are fine, but so far i heard about 2000 euros for a breed puppy. I am trying my best the pupy mills, as they contacted me where i cannot see parents of the puppy or they are " always "  travelling outside Amsterdam. I have already mentioned in this site about my search, but so far no luck...
Thanks once again "

 2000 euro?!

Thats a lot.

honden page profiel sylviasylvia

honden foto van sylvia

Some of the dogs you are looking for are not so healthy, they have many problems.

So you have to look for a good breeder, for a good puppy you will pay among 800 - 1200 euro. (but still the breeds you mention, you have to be very careful)




honden page profiel DaydreamerDaydreamer

honden foto van Daydreamer

Wat is een pug?

honden page profiel Paulo RottmannPaulo Rottmann

" Wat is een pug? "

 i think in dutch is called Mops

honden page profiel DaydreamerDaydreamer

honden foto van Daydreamer

"  i think in dutch is called Mops "

 Ah oké tanks.


honden page profiel LoesjeLoesje

honden foto van Loesje

Did you already find  the websites of the pedigree clubs?






The kind of pedigree dogs, you are interested in, are all brachycephalic.


Therefore I recommend you to select breeders, who are doing their utmost to breed in such a way that the dogs have as less as possible breath problems.


honden page profiel Paulo RottmannPaulo Rottmann

" Did you already find  the websites of the pedigree clubs?
The kind of pedigree dogs, you are interested in, are all brachycephalic.
Therefore I recommend you to select breeders, who are doing their utmost to breed in such a way that the dogs have as less as possible breath problems.

 I am aware about the breathing issues that potentially they can have. Generally speaking i am looking for small dogs with short hair, and i am including some others as the Schanuzers as well. Thanks about the breeders, i have tried to be in contact with some of them, but difficult as you have to be in a waiting list that in some cases can take really long time, and sometimes you have also to pay a deposit to be in the list as well! 


honden page profiel AlexandraAlexandra

honden foto van Alexandra

Apart from indeed the shelter, I could only advise you this;

(Atleast in my breed, and other breeds I know) When a breeder has a puppy that has a 'mistake' that is not aloud in the breed, as far as I know they mostly place them for a lower price at someone who doesn't mind about that. Maybe you could inform about that?


At my Malamute club netherlands they regulary post about dogs of our breed which are looking for a home, somethimes even have a pedigree etc, but mostly because of personal issues they offer them for a new home, mostly they do not even ask money for that. You could check the facebook pages of those clubs, or just inform at the club themself.

honden page profiel Paulo RottmannPaulo Rottmann

" Apart from indeed the shelter, I could only advise you this;
(Atleast in my breed, and other breeds I know) When a breeder has a puppy that has a 'mistake' that is not aloud in the breed, as far as I know they mostly place them for a lower price at someone who doesn't mind about that. Maybe you could inform about that?
At my Malamute club netherlands they regulary post about dogs of our breed which are looking for a home, somethimes even have a pedigree etc, but mostly because of personal issues they offer them for a new home, mostly they do not even ask money for that. You could check the facebook pages of those clubs, or just inform at the club themself. "

 Thanks Alexandra for your tip, i will check that as well.

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