Clicker voor dove honden

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honden page profiel SuzanneSuzanne

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Er komt af en toe wel eens een topic langs van mensen met dove hondjes, ik kwam toevallig dit net tegen op facebook en wilde het wel even delen. Het is een clicker voor dove honden!



Having a deaf dog creates challenges for clicker training since a deaf dog can't hear a click.  Now, the click is just a marker.  The fact that it's a noise isn't as important as the fact that the dog knows that the marker means that they did something right.  What you need for your deaf dog is some kind of visual marker that does the same thing.  Enter... the flicker.


Now I know some folks use a laser pointer because you can use the dot to direct the dog, however we've seen some bad OCD behavior come out of frequent use of them and don't recommend them.  We are having our vet look into seeing if there's any actual research on the subject other than our personal experience and I'll let you know if we find any but suffice it to say, we don't use them.


There are still challenges with the flicker over the clicker though.   A hearing dog can hear the clicker whether its in their line of sight or not.  The flicker has to be in their line of sight and since puppies spend the majority of their time with their noses on the floor looking for that one thing you forgot to pick up to chew on, it's harder to get it in their field of view.  Thankfully, that field of view is quite a bit larger than ours.  
Once you get past that, though, the principals are the same.   Mark behavior with the flicker and give the dog a treat.  Rogue gets great focus when the flicker comes out. She knows it's time to work.
As for our newest addition, she got a clean bill of health from our vet on Friday and was a whopping 12.8 pounds three days before her 11 week birthday. Considering the fact that she was only 8 pounds at 8 weeks old, she's growing like a weed.  
Het komt er op neer dat je met een lichtje werkt in plaats van een geluidje. Nadeel is wel dat het lichtje in het zicht van de hond moet zijn. 

honden page profiel Nathalie, Harley & Mr. DeeksNathalie, Harley & Mr. Deeks 3 doggies

honden foto van Nathalie, Harley & Mr. Deeks

Ik vind het wel super gevonden! Denk ook dat dit echt goed kan werken!

honden page profiel evyevy 3 doggies

honden foto van evy

waw !! we hebben met onze honden altijd gebaren geoefend, was makkelijk toen rufus doof werd door ouderdom maar deze ga ik opslaan

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