Groetjes van Joey

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honden page profiel Vilmaris LopezVilmaris Lopez

honden foto van Vilmaris Lopez

Hi everyone,

I am new here and looking forward to connecting with other Maltese lovers.

Our baby is a sweet 5 year old Maltese. Before he gets castrated, we would like to let him father a nest and keep one of the puppies. Is this commonly done in The Netherlands? 

Thanks for your advice.


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honden page profiel Anny en LanceAnny en Lance

honden foto van Anny en Lance

Hi there welcome, I myself am not a Maltheser owner , mine is a yorky, but always glad to read abouth a new member and his dog.
So you want your dog to father puppies ? Are you looking perhaps for a female to mate ? Don t think they will encourage this here, so many dogs looking for many diseases due to bad  bloodlines.....but I may be wrong.....
Although I can perfectly understand your wish ':-), a copy of your beloved one......... I have questions abouth your topic  on this forum.
But I do hope you stay here and tell us more abouth your little Casanova..':-)

honden page profiel Vilmaris LopezVilmaris Lopez

honden foto van Vilmaris Lopez

Hi Anny,

Thanks for the friendly welcome. 

Indeed I am very curious how it works in NL because everyone I know got their puppies via a breeder or a shelter. 

In my country, if you are not looking for a pure bred, you just find a mate and the owners of the father can choose one puppy out of the nest. 

I would love to have another Maltese and if there is a little of my Joey in it, it would just be perfect, he is just the sweetest dog ever. But I can understand that breeders want to keep their pedigree clean. Plus the thought of homeless puppies is heartbreaking :-( that's the last thing we would want!

We are sure we want to castrate him so I thought I would get some info and see how to proceed. I want him to find a female mate, but do not want to do something illegal or unethical so any information helps.

Thanks again!

PS. Your Yorkie is gorgeous!!! :-)

honden page profiel Hond in de potHond in de pot

honden foto van Hond in de pot

Hi Vilmaris,

There are a lot of dogs looking for a forever home in shelters :-) I would recommend to contact a Malthezer breed club and via them you can maybe find a purebred Malthezer that needs a new home if you are interested. 

Good luck in making a decision!

honden page profiel Vilmaris LopezVilmaris Lopez

honden foto van Vilmaris Lopez

Thanks, I will give that a try.

So far I only found breeders and they are asking for a lot of money for a puppy.

We adopted Joey from a shelter when he was 4 months old so I don't know who to trust when it comes to kennels.

honden page profiel Anny en LanceAnny en Lance

honden foto van Anny en Lance

Thanks for the compliment .........says Lance ':-) 
If you keep  looking for a pup .....never ever trust a contact from Marktplaats , a very big Holland webside. They sell everything also animals and they all look gorgeous but the puppies are imported from breedingfarms abroad.  Poor misery mums ! 
Look for pure breeders kennels and ask if  they have a pup  which does not meet the breeding standard......a minor flaw .....sometimes they have.  Here on the forum are also breeders, you can find the breeds on the  webside. 
And all the official shelters in Hollland are trustful. You can also see the available dogs on their side. I know people who have an beautiful little Malthese dog , from such a shelter. ......
I wish you luck in your search. ':-)

honden page profiel Lizzie en SterreLizzie en Sterre

honden foto van Lizzie en Sterre

You should think of that 'lot of money for a puppy' as a great investment for a lot of love for the next 15 years or so ;-) I know it is a lot of money at once, but if you see how much people spend on their vacation.. and that's just for a few weeks, you can enjoy your puppy for years and years :-) a dog from a breeder doesn't sound that expensive anymore if you look at it that way I think :-)

Your Malthese is adorable by the way!!

Would be great if you could find another cutie at a shelter! :-)

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