Hi guys,Last week, we got a 3/4 Sint Bernard 1/4 Newfie puppy. He is 10 weeks old today. He is super cute but also very stubborn and starting to show dominance. He does listen to basic commands (after 2 days he sits, gives paw, comes to you etc.) but we have a drama when it comes to walking him. He has lots of energy but as soon as we take him outside he lies down and there is no way he will walk. If I carry him to a park he will play with other dogs and run around and on the way home he will walk perfectly, not pulling, without a leash, right next to me, but walking away from the house is no go. I've tried pulling him, tried playing on the way, giving him treats but nothing works. He is already more than 10kg so I can't carry him much longer;/ I really need some help!
Did you have a ride with a time machine? Your dog is not stubborn and not dominant,when he doesn't dare to walk yet (that's a wrong statement from the last century ), he is just a puppy, a baby, he has to learn everything,including feeling save.
He doesn't feel safe yet, that's why he doesn't walk when you're still in front of your house.
When you have a puppy,you have to be patient! They really need to learn everything en should have the time to learn it.
It's good to carry him for now and for a bit, he wil walk on his own soon, but he must get confindent first.They also go true multiple anxiety phases, growing up to 2 years.
Enjoy his playing in the park en how he walks perfectly with you on leash with on your way home.
He's a perfectly normal puppy.Enjoy!
Well, the dominance is another topic (he tried mounting, jumping, even growling at me and now it is still cute but in a while will become scary), he is very stubborn, believe me, not only with the walks but also at home. However, I believe he doesn't feel safe, I agree with you but how can I change that? Treats, toys, hugging and playing does nothing. Carrying can work for another 2 weeks max but I won't be able to carry him when he is bigger, he will be too heavy.
I cuddle him all the time, play with him and give him all the love I can, but the walks are becoming a problem that I can seem to solve:)
Mounting is a sign of stress, and growling can be as well. When my dog was 10 weeks old, he did that when he had too many impressions in a short period of time.
Everything is new for those little ones, and they try to show when it's too much.
He does it during play so I don't think it is stress though...
All the things you're naming are signs of overstimulation, not of dominant behaviour. Pups need enough rest en real sleep.When a pup is awake for 1 our, they need/can to sleep/rest voor 2 ours(in a place that's non/a lot les stimulation,like a quiet corner of a room where you don't walk by a lot).
What you can do about it? You have to be patient,it will pas over,when he gets confident.
The fact that he's in a new world away from his mother/brothers/sisters,new people,new smels,new everything,makes him unsure,it can be very scary for pups.
I have to agree with Eline.
Option 1:
Just wait when he lies down.
He has to stand up sometime to pee, right?
So even if it lasts an eternity, just wait. When he (finally) stands up reward him, be happy, show him that's the behaviour you want to see.
Puppy's like to observe their surroundings. Sometimes they are just staring arround for what seems like hours. But we have to understand that that is an important thing for puppy's everything is new. So lets stare at stuff untill its not scary and new anymore.
Option 2:
Take a very very long leash and walk away from him when he lays down.
It would be most perfect if you can stand around a corner or something like that so he can't see you anymore.
Most puppy's hate it when they can't see you. So most likely his impulls will be to follow you as soon as you are out of sight.
All the examples you mention is not a sign of dominance, it's just playing. He's still a baby, he doesn't want to be the boss. If he does something you don't want, teach him what he should do in that same situation. Like when he jumps up on you say 'low' and guide him to the ground with a treat. This also works for jumping on furniture.
Be patient, he will walk in time. It's just that the world is very big and can be scary, so he doesn't want to leave his house. Lure him with fun stuff, treats, silly voices the whole package. If he learns that walks are fun, it'll go great in no-time.
Mine did it every time he played with a particulair stuffed animal. Never with anything else.
Even now, at 10 months, he mounts when he is in a situation where it's too much. It is a sign for me, took take every thing away and order him to rest.
I know it can be too much, my pup was (and still is) very stubborn. But like Soraya said, give it time. It does get better. You need to get to know each other, and the pup needs to grow confident in his new situation.
Thanks! I will try that:) What I don't understand is that in the park or as soon as he is quite far from home he will walk and play without problem, it is just the first few meters that he just pulls back home.
As a bullterrier owner I know what stubborn is. I've been through it all, believe me At 10 week old they're not showing signs of dominance, they don't envy you for being the one 'in charge', they don't want to be the leader... biting, riding and all that is a sign of exhaustion. Pups need a lot of sleep, more than the average adult dog. It quickly becomes too much for them to handle (even playing and noise can be stressful) and they'll start being annoying little pricks. Like kids who've been playing all day and then be taken to the store; they'll throw a tantrum in the store and whine and cry. Not because they are the devil (ok, maybe they are), but because they can't cope with all the things they've done that day.
So know when to give your pup some rest. Give it it's own quiet place, away from all the people and the noise. They'll eventually fall asleep.
And as for the walking problem... it's not hopeless, your pup doesn't have a problem. It's a puppy. That's it. Mine refused to walk for weeks. Ofcourse I tried to make him walk but after a while I just let him be. Fine, then don't walk. Let him look around, sniff things; they're puppies. Their curiosity will win and they will start to explore but it takes time, you've only had him for a week.
Probably because when close to home he still knows where home is
And at the point where he doesn't know anymore the only way to get back home is to walk whit his owner.
And then when you get to the park..
"Oh I know this place and oh there are other dogs!! I love other dogs!! I totally just forgot why I wanted to go home! This place is cool!"
Omdat iedereen hier welkom is van meisje van 12 jaar tot engelse mensen
Omdat ik in Nederland woon maar kan nog niet zo goed nederlands schrijven :) En ik weet dat Nederlanders heel goed zijn met Engelse taal :)
Haha oke ik snap het.. Vond het een beetje vreemd
Omdat we ook graag honden helpen van mensen die Engels schrijven!!!
Ja maar ik dacht, daar bestaan toch Engelse forums voor
I can completely agree with all the people above here. Only thing i would like to add is that you have to keep in mind that some dogs are just stubborn by nature and that should not be anything to hate or something you should punish him for, that is just him being himself. You can't change his personality by forcing it on him. You can get alot of that out tho with just positive reinforcement training and lots of patience. Are you signed up in any puppy class yet? If not i would highly recommend that, the dominance theory i hear you talking about has been proven wrong quite a long time ago and following this theory can cause severe behaviour issues over time, so a puppy class could be nice for you to start learning more about your pup and about why your puppy does what he does
Nee niet speciaal.
Belgen gebruiken hier ook typisch Belgische uitspraken of woorden,vind ik juist mooi,leer je iets bij in je leven.
Zo..on topic maar weer
Your pup is about 2 weeks with you. He still misses his mother, brother(s) and sister(s).
Your expectations for a pup of 10 weeks are too high. Take it easy, relax and do not force your pup.
Are you perhaps doing too much with your pup? Many pups do not take enough sleep. In this way they get excited and cannot be handled. Pups should sleep approx. 18 hours a day.
Your pup is an excellent "student" by walking back home without pulling and already listening and perform your basic commands at the age of 10 weeks.
I can recommend the books written by Turid Rugaas, world famous Norwegian dog trainer, e.g. "Calming Signs". You can find several you tube films by or about Turid Rugaas.
Enjoy the puppy time of your dog.
Yes, I'm registered but it starts in 2 weeks :) I wanted a dog with character and I got one hahah I will shower him with even more love and try to be more patience with him on our walks :) Thanks for all the answers it has been a while since I had a puppy so all tips are welcome!
I also wanted to add that the reason that I'm so afraid of dominance is that my old dog (german shepherd) attacked me when I was younger (16) and since then there is always this little fear that if Amos now grows full size and decides to attack me I won't win that fight :) So I want to make sure that I have a full trust in him and other way around!
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